Sunday, November 15, 2015

The video we created were focused about extreme poverty and hunger here in the Philippines and how each family coped up in their lives. We didn’t really focus on the negative part of the thing they are experiencing but rather how they go through it and remain connected to God and having faith that everything’s going to be okay. We chose the song Pray by Justin Bieber because his songs clearly identify how we want our video to be about. We are tasked to put shots that has Soviet Montage, German Expressionism and .We took the videos at Laguna, my group member has someone she can asks to guide us at the place because we can’t just go to a community without guidance and protection, her mom and dad also is with us to be completely safe. Conducting the survey we had is just fine because we prepared the questions and their answer were all natural and it’s really from them, it’s not scripted and all and every scene we wanted to have are successfully done. We just have a scripted shots it’s where they close their eyes and pray and also asking kids to do the act of prayer and they are really following us. It also gives us a thought that everything has hope and everything has an end they just have to devote themselves in prayer and have faith not by just praying but by also giving their best to be out of their miserable life. There is also one thing that struck me while doing the video it’s when we asks them if they have another chance to be alive or be given a second chance what would their wish be and why, you can say that they answer to the questions honestly and all they want is for their child to finish college and have a proper work and to have a good life and health. In spite of being in their position they didn’t chose to be wealthy but rather just a perfect life where they can have 3 meals a day and a place to live and a work to get their money from most especially is I can see that even if they are in that kind of position they can still smile and hope for the best. It’s a fun experience and I can say that I would want to do that kind of film again, applying all the things we’ve learn and creating something that can impact someone’s life. It’s also fun to be in my group because each has their own tasks and ideas and everyone contributed to the video though there is one in our group who aren’t with us during shooting but we just tried to understand her. Watch our fil and be touched by each individual that will appear in the video, lets contribute to our society for them to have a good land happy world to live. Let’s be together to lend a helping hand.

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